Kamis, 01 November 2012

The Positive and Negative The Side of Facebook

Facebook is a social network that almost everyone has a Facebook account. Not only adults, teenagers and even children were nearly all have Facebook. Negative and positive impacts of the use of Facebook is of course there.

Negative impact if we are too often accessing Facebook is a first : A person can be lazy if too often accessing Facebook. For example children or teenagers being lazy with their homework and study at home, and adults may just be lazy to finish the job.

The second, less proximity or contact with the family. this can happen because someone was too cool with his world in cyberspace, so often reduces closeness with the family.

The third, especially the young one easy to access or upload or upload video and pictures of pornography. It is likely to undermine the morale of the youth.

The fourth, Facebook is a place where we are free to their opinions, but this freedom is usually triggered the dispute because of the people who offended due status created by a specific user account, and finally there berate each other on Facebook.

In addition to the negative impact, if we access Facebook no positive impact or benefit. Among which can communicate with our relatives far away. Besides, we also can do business through Facebook.

But in our opinion, all the things we do certainly have a negative impact and a positive example in accessing Facebook. If we use Facebook as needed, then the benefits we get. On the contrary, if we are too frequent and excessive access to Facebook is likely we will hit a fever Facebook and get negative impact as above.

Diska Natul Laili (16)
Dwitya (17 )
Edi Setyadi Prayoga (18)
Eka Budhi (19)
Friska Apsari (20)

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Sel Tumbuhan

Sel tumbuhan

Sel tumbuhan cukup berbeda dengan sel organisme eukariotik lainnya. Fitur-fitur berbeda tersebut meliputi:
Tipe sel
· Sel Parenkim - Sel ini memiliki fungsi untuk menyokong berdirinya tumbuhan, juga merupakan dasar bagi semua struktur dan fungsi tumbuhan. Sel parenkim memiliki dinding primer yang tipis, dan sitoplasma yang sangat fungsional. Sel ini hidup saat dewasa, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap fungsi biokimia.

Sel Hewan 3 dimensi

dapat terlihat bahwa pada bagian luar sel tumbuhan terdapat dinding sel, tetapi pada hewan tidak. Adanya dinding sel inilah yang menyebabkan selsel tumbuhan memiliki sifat keras dan kaku. Pada tumbuhan, dinding sel berfungsi antara lain untuk melindungi protoplas, sebagai penguat tanaman dan mencegah terjadinya dehidrasi. Komponen utama penyusun dinding sel adalah polisakarida. Dinding sel tumbuhan muda masih terlihat tipis yang terdiri atas selaput zat pektin. Setelah sel tumbuhan bertambah tua, maka dinding sel akan menebal dan zat pembentuknya adalah selulosa. Dinding sel bagian dalam berhubungan langsung dengan membran plasma. Membran ini bisa terlihat apabila sel berada di dalam larutan yang lebih pekat daripada larutan dalam sel, sehingga membran plasma akan lepas.

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Donuts Chocolate & Boiled Banana


Donat materials:

     500 grams of high protein flour (pake which can also be      versatile)
     100 grams sugar
     1/2 tsp salt
     2 egg yolks
     100 grams of butter
     250 ml of cold milk.
     11 gr instant yeast
     1/4 tsp baking powder

How to make Doughnuts:

1. Mix together: flour, sugar, instant yeast, baking powder and salt. Stir until blended.
2. Add egg yolks, stirring, kneading and kneading until smooth and fine grained.
3. Add butter, stir and again squeeze flat.
4. Pour liquid milk gradually while stirring until blended. Then knead the dough until smooth and smooth (not sticky hands). about 15 minutes. Round the dough, cover with a damp cloth and clean. Let stand 1 hour.
5. Divide the dough into 30 balls. Let stand 1 minute.
6. Punch a hole in the middle ball with your fingers (or packing donut mold if you have one). Then fry in hot oil over low heat until puffed and browned. Lift and Drain.
7. Spread butter on the top of the donut, then sprinkle with the Seres.


A. banana
2. pot
3. water

how to make banana stew:

A. fill pan with water, about half the pot
2. then insert the banana into a pan of water (previously used to heat the water in the pan)
3. wait until there is a smell of bananas, and bananas foster.

Please try at home :)

Banana Split Shake

1 banana, peeled
200 ml fresh milk
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
3 pieces of candied cherries
200 ml plain yogurt
4 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
2 pieces of candied cherries

How to make:
    1. Put all ingredients in a blender bowl.
    2. Process until smooth.
    3. Pour into serving glasses.
    4. Give Topping ingredients.
    5. Serve immediately.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

How to Make Lolipop

This is my lollipop. I really like this. do you know how to make lollipops? following I will tell to my friends, how to make lollipops.

These ingredients are necessary:
A. 1 cup sugar

2. 1/2 cup corn syrup

3. 1/4 cup water

4. 3/4 teaspoon extract of your sense of taste (eg, mint, strawberry, orange, etc.)

5. Candy coloring (may also be used)

6. Lollipop molds (can use chocolate molds)

7. trunk Lollipop

How To Make:

A. Prepare the mold and spray with nonstick spray and place the mold on lollipop sticks

B. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Insert a candy thermometer and stir until sugar dissolves.

C. Simmer, do not stir, until candy reaches 295 degrees Celsius temperature.

D. Once the candy reaches the temperature specified above, lift and pour in a bowl for the provision of some colors and flavors.

E. Spoon a little candy liquid into a mold, make sure that the lollipop sticks buried beneath it.

F. Let cool and harden until we can enjoy.

so? how did it go?

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

How to Make a Peter pan Collar

These ingredients are necessary:

     Flannel cloth (or similar cloth material hard enough yag)
     Tau band rope
     Glue (hot glue gun more danjurkan)
     Yarn and needles
     hole puncher

Processing steps:

     Cut out the pattern of the collar to form shells,
     Punch a hole through both ends of the shell patterns that have been cut with a hole puncher
     Bring both ends of the thicker the studs and stitch using thread and needle
     Tie the ribbon at each end of the smaller, use a glue that is not easily separated